The Joint Regional Communications Centre (JRCC)

About Image Group of People working

The JRCC is mainly responsible for the operations and management of the Advance Passenger Information System (APIS), which screens approximately forty (40) Million passengers annually, specifically those entering, and travelling within the CARICOM Region by air and sea ports.

CARICOM IMPACS-Joint Regional Communications Centre (JRCC) is one of two (2) Sub-Agencies of CARICOM IMPACS, the other being the Regional Intelligence Fusion Centre (RIFC). These sub-agencies were formed for the purpose of supporting the Regional Security Strategy for International Cricket Council Cricket World Cup 2007 (ICC CWC 2007). As a result of these sub-agencies successes, Heads of Government at its Eighteenth Inter-Sessional Meeting in St. Vincent & The Grenadines in February 2007 endorsed a proposal for the permanent establishment of the two sub-agencies.


The JRCC Objectives

Core Functions

  • Gathers, analyses and disseminates data from Advance Passenger Information in a timely and consistent manner.
  • Pre-screens travellers to and from any territory within the participating Member States.
  • Ensures compliance of all aviation and maritime vessels.
  • Conducts security vetting of visa applicants.


  • To receive accurate passenger data in a timely manner
  • To ensure all carriers comply with the region’s API Legislation.
  • To deter breaches in border security and enhance on-time apprehension of persons of interest.
  • To realize standardize passenger control processes throughout CARICOM Member States.
  • To implement scalable technological solutions at the border.

JRCC Systems

CARICOM Electronic Advanced Passenger Information System (eAPIS)

CARICOM Electronic Advanced Passenger Information System (eAPIS) is an automated electronic, web-based data interchange application system established for aviation and maritime operators that have the capability of enhancing border security over the Region by supplying Law Enforcement Officers with data on passengers and crewmembers prior to arrival and departure from CARICOM Member States. It allows the Aviation/Maritime Carriers an electronic means of uploading and transmitting their passenger and crew information online. This is available to these carriers at the CARICOM eAPIS website or

Legislation requires all Aviation and Maritime carriers operating inbound and outbound to electronically transmit APIS data on all passengers and crewmembers to CARICOM IMPACS:

  • Aviation carriers (Private and Commercial) must electronically transmit their passenger data no later than forty (40) minutes prior to the flight’s departure;
  • Commercial Sea Carriers must electronically transmit their passenger data within twenty-four (24) hours of a vessel’s arrival into the region and one (1) hour for departure within the Region.

CARICOM Electronic Advance Cargo Information (eACIS)

CARICOM Electronic Advance Cargo Information (eACIS) is a critical part of the World Customs Organization’s (WCO), Standards to Secure and Facilitate Trade (SAFE) Framework as one of the “four (4) core elements”. The WCO states that the “Framework harmonizes the advance electronic cargo information requirements on inbound, outbound and transit shipments”.

At the 13th Special Meeting of CARICOM Heads of Government on April 5th, 2008, the decision was made to establish an Advance Cargo Information System (ACIS) for the region.

The Advanced Cargo Information System (ACIS) project was funded under the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) Crime and Security Cooperation Project entitled: ‘Strengthening CARICOM Capacity to Prevent and Detect Illegal Activity at its Borders and to Enable Increased Prosecution and Higher Conviction Rates’.


  • Deemed as an integral and critical component of border security, forming part of the first line of defense against border security threats using its capability to pre-screen and profile cargo with the use of risk management techniques.
  • Enable Member States with The Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) to receive Advance Cargo Information in electronic format through a centralized portal to assist in identifying high-risk shipments that could threaten the safety and security of the region.
  • Allow customs authorities to examine cargo manifests in advance of their arrival at ports throughout the region and to determine if or what level of intervention is required.
  • The system will further enhance intelligence sharing, improved cargo reporting and compliance, greater collaboration and co-operation and maximized use of resources Customs Administration using systems other than ASYCUDA can benefit from ACIS as interface requirements between non-ASYCUDA systems can be developed and implemented by these Member States.

JRCC Operations Department

The Operations Department works on a 24/7 basis and processes the submissions from carriers and shippers as part of the management of the Regional Advance Passenger Information and Advance Cargo Information Systems. In so doing, each of the respective participating Member States has its security enhanced as these services throughout to Law Enforcement, Border Control and Intelligence Agencies of the countries comprising the Member States.

This Unit acts as the nerve centre of CARICOM IMPACS-JRCC by collecting Advance Passenger Information (API) from all Aviation and Maritime carries on all persons travelling to, through and out of the Region. This information is security vetted hence ensuring the safety of all travellers and the security of our borders.

Compliance is an entity within CARICOM IMPACS-JRCC tasked with ensuring compliance of Advance Passenger Information (API) by all aviation and maritime carriers entering and transiting the Region. This ensures that carriers submit API by using various web portal services currently available to them in conjunction with API requirements and legislation.

Our Staff

The Staff of CARICOM IMPACS-JRCC comprise of both contracted and seconded individuals; seconded personnel are drawn from the various Law Enforcement Departments (e.g. Police, Intelligence, Immigration, Customs and Defence Forces)., to help man/staff the Operationalization of the Regional Systems that are managed here.