The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Implementation Agency for Crime and Security


Mutual Security through Partnership

  • CARICOM IMPACS hosts Intelligence Analysis training for analysts and interns

  • CARICOM IMPACS supports first responders after hurricane Beryl

  • CARICOM IMPACS participates in the 10th Commonwealth Caribbean Association of Integrity Commission & Anti-Corruption Bodies Annual Conference

  • Road to RevCon4: A Public Health Crisis—Small Arms Trafficking and Violence in the Caribbean

  • Immigration Chiefs and Customs Comptrollers meet to discuss T20 World Cup systems

  • CARICOM IMPACS and CBP conduct firearms training in Barbados

  • Sub-Regional Technical Expert Meeting on "Enhancing Security Coordination for Major Sporting Events in the Caribbean"

  • CARICOM IMPACS’ CGIU hosts sensitisation and awareness meetings

Implementation Agency for Crime & Security (IMPACS)

Implementation Agency for Crime & Security (IMPACS)

Agency Headquarters, located in Trinidad and Tobago CARICOM IMPACS is part of the Regional Framework for Crime and Security which was established at the 26th Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government in Vieux Forte, Saint Lucia in July 2005.

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Regional Intelligence Fusion Centre (RIFC)

Regional Intelligence Fusion Centre (RIFC)

This CARICOM IMPACS sub-agency is based in Trinidad and Tobago and provides support to Member States in intelligence gathering, sharing and analysis. It is staffed mainly by attachments from individual Member States, who are seconded to RIFC for an initial period of two years.

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The Joint Regional Communications Centre (JRCC)

The Joint Regional Communications Centre (JRCC)

This sub agency is in Barbados and provides support to Member States in intelligence gathering, sharing and analysis. It is staffed mainly by attachments from individual Member States, who are seconded to this Centre for an initial period of two (2) years.

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Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) Connect

Completed Projects

Small Arms And Light Weapons

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Upgrade Of Crisis Monitoring And Management Systems For CARICOM Member States

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World Customs Organization Caribbean Customs Small Arms and Light Weapons and Narcotics Enforcement Project

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The European Union's 11th Development Fund (EDF)

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Ongoing Projects

Expand APIS And Enhance The Processing Of The API Through Stronger Strategic And Digital Partnerships With Spain

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Digital Transformation Project In The Organization Of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)

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Regional Integrated Ballistic Information Network

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The Establishment Of Integrated Border Systems For The Organisation Of The Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) ​

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Anti-Human Trafficking initiative

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Integrated Border Systems for the Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)

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Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) Connect

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Associated & Partner Organisations

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